There is not a magic formula or method to train your palate to measure spices. However, there are many tips and tricks to learn this incredible ability faster. Remember, it is a journey of adventure and discovery! Imagine yourself like a pathfinder in ancient times, going to new lands! Spices are an important part of human history and they connect us with the food, as our palate connect us to the flavors.
Learn to recognize the basic tastes
What you feel when food is in your mouth is a combination of basic tastes with complementary notes. Similar to colors, the possibilities are endless, but there are always essential elements used to create the final perception. In food, these flavors are umami, sour, sweet, salty and bitter. To better understand each of them, you can eat some foods and feel what shows up
- For umami: try shitake mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, sea vegetables, and ham.
- For sour: try acidic and citric foods, like lemon, vinegar, and kiwifruit.
- For sweet: everything with sugar or just pure sugar helps to see the essence of this
taste. - For salty: pure salt and other savory foods have this taste note showing up.
- For bitter: bitterness is present in coffee, dark chocolate and veggies like arugula.
Start slowly
Start understanding the basic tastes and how they interact with different spices. Go slow and give your palate time to learn new flavors. For cooking, do not exaggerate when experiencing a new spice. Add small amounts to food and taste through the cooking process, using more if it seems appropriate. One of the secrets to adjust spice quantities in new recipes is to season with a half teaspoon (or less) at a time. You can never take spices out, but you can always increase them. Taste, taste and keep tasting food until it`s perfect!

Try new recipes and different kinds of foods
Essential flavors present in spices generally dissolve better in foods with oil. This way, some kinds of foods can showcase the qualities of a spice better and your palate will definitely feel it. So, you will never exactly know how a spice shows up in a finished recipe. Then you need to learn how to find the tiny adaptions and have your palate accurate. For achieving this ability, try as many different kinds of food as possible. Your palate has a sensible memory and will store all the references that you learn for a use in the future.

Have your palate always clear and ready-to-go
As strange as it might sound, it`s important to say: Your tongue must be clear to try the food. In other words, your palate should be free of any previous particles. Some ways of cleaning the palate before trying food are cold water or sparkling water. This method also applies to wine and other food tastings.
Aromas will help you in this journey
You might think that the palate and the flavors are only related to the mouth and the tongue. It is not wrong, but there many other things involved. Aromas play an important role in how we perceive tastes. For spices, for example, actually smelling the aromas of them in the food can increase the perception of the flavor. So, always have your noose ready to help you in this journey!
Have all varieties of spices on hands
Start using just one spice in a preparation and then start trying out new combinations. Like magic, spices interact creating new possibilities for your palate. If you decide to become a master of spices, it is a great idea to have a collection of well-stored spices in your kitchen. Then any time you decide to cook a new dish you will have the best spices on hand.
Go from desserts to savory dishes
That is right! Spices should not be used just for savory foods. They also create amazingness inside desserts! They take your accommodated palate to the next level. You should train your palate by experimenting new spiced desserts and feeling how spices affect the sweet taste. PS:They generally increase the sweet notes. Use all these tips to help you through the journey of discovering spices! It is not a magic formula, but with these ideas, you will feel more comfortable using and measuring spices. You will see how your palate is capable of adapting and earning if certain amounts of spices and combinations get perfect.