Can you relate?
There I was, standing in the produce aisle, gazing longingly at the organic section. I felt the pull of the vibrant fruits and gleaming vegetables beckoning me their way. I’d read the stories and heard the news.
Organic is best. It’s healthier because of its limited exposure to chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers. It also retains more of its beneficial nutrients while tasting even more delicious than conventionally grown food.
So, I floated over to the organics section as if levitated by radiant health and nutrition. Then, I was suddenly stopped in my tracks by the price tag. “$7.99/lb for organic strawberries? No way!” I exclaimed as I sadly shuffled back to the “regular” stuff, defeated by this setback on my organic journey.
If this has ever been you, let me tell you something. There is a better way, my friend! Let me explain how to eat organic the healthy and affordable way.
Shop Local
Skip the supermarket. Or at least save it for coupon days or kitchen emergencies (those times when you’re out of that one ingredient or you simply can’t get to the farmer’s market)!

The farmer’s market is your new best friend. Prices are cheaper and you can try new and interesting produce grown on local farms – making the prices lower. Shopping local also helps you buy what’s in season. Stores import our out-of-season must haves. Those $7.99/lb strawberries may be $4.99/lb during your local growing season but after that, they might be imported from Florida or Mexico for up to $5 more per pound.
Also, do a quick web search to find specialty shops and popups near you. If you find a local company that sells an organic product that you like, why not suggest them to your favorite market?
The “Dirty Dozen”
Check out the Environmental Working Group’s list of the Dirty Dozen. These are 12 fruits and vegetables that you’ll want to buy organic. Starting your low cost organic journey with this list will reduce your exposure to chemicals and save you some money!
Shop Around
When you compare the price of a typical grocery store cart that contains organic vs. conventionally grown foods, you’ll find that eating organic doesn’t HAVE to be expensive!
I know that buying organic generally SEEMS more expensive but you can find tons of organic products at a cheaper price depending on which store they are purchased from. Meaning… shop around! You’ll also want to check the ads for your favorite stores to stay on top of deals.
Eat Less Meat

You’re already doing great things for your health if you’re buying organic meat. That’s because it doesn’t contain the same hormones and additives that conventional meat has.
Love the win, not the price tag!
When compared to the prices of organic fruits, vegetables, and grains, meat tips the scales. If you want to eat organic the healthy and affordable way, load up on fruits and veggies and reduce meat intake. I’m not telling you that you have to go vegan to eat organic affordably. BUT, these small changes can make a big difference in your budget.
Grow your own
If you’ve got a green thumb you can always grow your own organic produce! Organic soil and seeds can be purchased online or at tons of home and garden stores. You can also regrow some of the produce that you’ve previously purchased.
Check out this Buzzfeed Nifty video to learn how to do it! If you’re just getting started, try your favorite herbs and veggies first. This way you’ll have an easy and low-cost alternative to store-bought options.
Plan More, Waste Less
Try planning out your meals for the week and buy organic items in bulk. This has helped me to reduce waste because I can create meals that use the whole fruit or vegetable throughout the week. For example, I use the “scraps” (tops and bottoms) of chopped carrots, onions, and celery to make organic broth at home. This broth can be used for a soup later in the week.
You might also use the organic almond pulp leftover from freshly made almond milk to whip up a gluten-free, chocolate chip banana bread.
Following these simple tips will help you save money while eating organic.
Do you know any other ways to eat organic the healthy and affordable way? Let us know below!